Friday, April 10, 2009

Goodbye is the final answer, I guess.

This is how I feel now.

Now, when she's about to leave, I feel.. something I never have felt before.

My head tells me to be happy for her. After all, she's going somewhere new, no? It would be.. good for her.

And yet..

My heart tells me I don't want her to leave.

I want her to stay. I wish everything could stay the same.

But thinking so is naive and immature. After all, what could it do?

If she ever sees this, I suppose this is all I have to say to her:

When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. That was 2 years ago, when I first became infatuated with you. You were perfect - clever as well as beautiful. To me, you were the girl of my dreams. Perhaps now, you can understand why I fell for you, despite the fact you were older. I suppose it is true - love is blind. I doubt I ever will find someone like you again. But rest assured, I stopped chasing you long ago, and I will not continue now.. it is too late for that. I have my life, and you yours. As we part ways, these are my final words to you, unless we should meet again: Farewell, old friend, and may joy and bliss follow you wherever you go. I will never forget you.

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