Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goh Lee Joo's birthday! o.o

I feel damned full now =D. Where to start le? Hmm. Well, after I got there, terus:
Pick food. Throw into steamboat. MAKAN!
Maiku, they all ar.. makan makan makan. So many rounds.. until got some go n pass to us O.o.
John, damn pro cook wor =P
Well, after that.. wad else? Sure bli bli bla bla la =.=
I got myself accquainted with Goh's friend who happened to be from my school, Jeremy.
Heh. Didn't know he knew so many F3s la. Sambil mendengar MP4, sambil tengok sini sana o.O.
Btw John, 'catchy' FOB song le =D
Why did I go back so EARLYYY? When I left, they went for another round =.=
What do you call it? Greedy? Chiak buey liao? Boredom?
Haiya, if GR keeps eating, we'll be called Gluttons Republic lor XD.

Now onto another topic before I end this meagre post of mine:
Shelly ar.. you n Francis sejenis saja. Get sick of Secondhand Serenade will ya? =.= Hear every day, afternoon n nite nia. Freakos =D

Ok, maybe not that topic. This one larh =.=
Bone ar.. don oweys call me gay gay gay lar.. you know how sien or not I hear ur words everytime? The other Kevin oso know how to stop, you dunno wan =.=
I kinda regret being ur friend. If you ever see this sohai, rest assured I will not let you enter GR with that idiocy of yours. You'll only drag us down. During games, people tell you this, you do that. And you lansi people and speak offensively. Cibai arh, we bring you play at Gizmo, when we go home probably got 10 new enemies liao. And whenever you screw up, you always try to act pitiful.. PUI AR! If you don't change ur attitude, you will be the 1st GR probationary member to be kicked out of GR, and I really hope that day will come soon =) . Until then, it's useless to rant about you anymore. Make me angry nia when I'm supposed to be happy =.=

Over and out! GR forever!

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