Monday, May 4, 2009

2nd tag o.o

Tagged by my sis o.o

Why did you choose the photo?
Because it looks cool! :O

When was the last time you ate pizza?
The last time she kissed me o.o

The last song you've listened to?
Gone by Daughtry.

What are you doing besides answering this tag?
Listening to songs and transferring pictures into my phone.. adui, so kepoh bor..

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Revan! o.o

Tag 6 persons, the following questions are related to them.
Ok o.o
1. Jerky/Panda
2. Kevin Wong
3. Rene
4. Evon
5. Tommy
6. Joseph

Who is number 1?
xD! He's the star attraction of SMKJA, the one and only werepanda Wong Jerk Haw! o.o

No. 3 has a relationship with?
No one for now, but she may have an interest in someone.. wanna know for sure? Ask me xD

Say something about no. 5.
Tommy Salamy! o.o

How about no. 4?
Ex-Arang student :O

Who's number 2?
A good friend o.o

Say something to number 6.

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