Sunday, May 17, 2009

I. Hate. Tests.

Ugh. Tests are the ultimate bore. They force you to cram useless stuff into your head. They make you panic 24/7. They give another cause for parents to scold us. Bah! Tests.

Bio arrr, why d'you have so many facts to memorize? First the enzymes, then the amylase, lastly the dumb potato cells. Ish, the oscillation experiment was easier then those potatoes. And English! Whyyyy? Doushite? I was crossing my fingers for no reports and letters, and from outta the blue..

Section A: Write an informal letter. Har har har. Very funny. I'm trying to beat Anna here for Pete's sake =.=

And then Sunday pula. I'm not studying now, I'm sitting at my aunt's comp typing about how we're celebrating Momma's Day for my gramps while I have what Samantha dubs, Che-misery.
Che-misery ar! All those mols, 6 x 10^23, and the chemical formulas and equations! Sheesh.

All when I'm trying to get someone to sms me so that I can *you know what* her. Hormones. Why NOW??? :-X

Blog post ended in swtness o.o

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